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Club History


Mullion Surf Life Saving Club has enjoyed a long and successful history providing a voluntary surf vigilance service, and  weekly club meetings from Polurrian Cove since the 1950's. It has enjoyed many success in both regional and national competitions over the years and has been a valuable asset to the local community. 


Unfortunately during the extreme storms of 2014, the clubhouse and all of the equipment was lost or destroyed by the power of the relentless waves. The sea wall crumbled to rubble together with everything they owned. The previous club disbanded with many members having served many years as willing volunteers and the future of the club was uncertain.


However, together with a legacy generously bequeathed by a local resident, kind donations of equipment, and the renewed energy of a newly reformed committee, the club was resurrected and the hard work of training and qualifying began. Policies and procedures were drawn up, all of the documentation prepared and wetsuits donned.


With the clubhouse at Polurrian beach still unfit to be used, no storage, and with access proving difficult to transport equipment, a request was made to The National Trust for the club to trial their first year at next door neighbour Poldhu Cove. We were very grateful to receive the licence in 2016 and we have had two great seasons testing out all of our procedures and safety protocols.


This season we will be back at Poldhu by kind persmission of The National Trust. However, we are working in conjunction with The Polurrian Hotel, and Cornwall Council to improve the access road to Polurrian Cove and even to rebuild the hut. We will post news of our progress on the website.

We are grateful to Ross from Poldhu Beach Cafe, and Dan Joel from the Surf School who both run their businesses from Poldhu Cove and who have both been very supportive and generous of spirit in sharing their workplaces with us.


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